Will you use shaving cream before you shaving ?

Friend,May I know what kind of razor do men use? Manual or electric. I’ve learned a lot about the advantages of a manual razor, which not only makes your face cleaner and cleaner, but also makes your life easier and more comfortable.


Although the beard is the symbol of a mature man, but it does not mean that it can be allowed to grow on the face, or need regular repair. There are two common shaving tools, one is a manual razor, one is an electric razor. Both have their advantages, but today I’m going to talk to you about the advantages of a manual razor:


1.Better shaving feel

Shaving cream will be very easy to work with the razor since the skin dealt with water, it can control the shaving force and the shaving angle very well. Because people subconsciously believe that they are better than the machine, the manual razor can often shave off the beard in one go, electric Shavers have to clean their beards back and forth.



2.Very warm and improving the shaving efficiency

If your stubble is rougher, it is recommended that you choose shaving gel, because its texture will be more delicate, and the viscosity of the gel will be used to lubricate the blades to reduce the sticky feeling brought to the skin during shaving. And between the above two shaving products is shaving lotion, this product is more suitable for men with dry skin and sensitive skin, because its oil removal effect is not very strong, and it can protect the natural acid film of your skin. Let your skin hurt less.




3.Avoid causing discomfort and damage to the skin

Dip a clean, sharp blade into hot water. Be sure to shave according to the texture of the beard, that is, in the direction where the beard grows. If you shave in the opposite direction, it is easy to cause ingrown beards or scratch the skin. If you want to shave your face cleaner, you can re-foam and shave gently along the texture. Check whether the beard on the neck is in the same direction as the face. If they are inconsistent, pay attention to making adjustments when scraping.


The handle of the razor should have a certain weight, so that you will feel more comfortable when using it with a moderate balance of strength. Don’t shave too hard, otherwise it will scratch and irritate the skin. You should let the razor slide lightly across your face. .


Goodmax brand razor is a leading brand of a razor field,we do provide you a very comfortable shaving experience. The website is www.jialirazor.com  Welcome visit and get a start of your shaving.

Post time: Jun-15-2021